Monday, May 17, 2010


First off, I have nothing to prove, I will play anyone, I don't hide from talent like spurrier era or other top players. Next, who cares if i use texas? I use a lot of teams, texas is my favorite. I use Colt all the time, he is my backup QB, if you are blitzing me or if I know I am passing I will put Colt in. I mainly use texas for their CB's and DE, not for Chiles. It's my team! I use who I want! You morons act like people don't match up w/ Texas, I consistantly play other good teams like FLA, USC, OKLA, OSU, how is this not fair?

These people who claim I "nano blitz" are a bunch of freakin' amateurs! This "nano blitz", like several other blitzes, requires that you keep in a TE or RB to block or to slide your line. People that suck think they can protect their QB with 5 guys, you need to scheme your offense around what the Defense is showing. I stole this blitz off someone and i KILLED HIM! There are at least 5 or 6 amazing "nano blitzes" in this game, all can be picked up when you are a smart coordinator. I will play anyone, anytime, and chances are I will beat you.


  1. i would rather get beat running a legit offense then havin to cheese the whole game, run a real offense craw all the top players know about that back up qb texas bs !!!usin texas every game is bad enough , but that option shit whole game w/ the backup qb thats just str8 cheese , ea should make it where if you do the same play w/ the same player over and over again they should fumble alot even if you are usin ball protect , that would make the game som much better and alot more realistic, and make all of these cheesers run a real balanced offense ....

  2. realistic football is not gonna be found on xbox. you can get over that. craw is by far the best player on xbox, theres nothin wrong with doing stuff like that if it helps you win. its not glitching...

  3. i didnt say he was glitchin and yes ea looks for , cheese ,plays offenses , etc. to remove and fix and tries to make it where people has to run real offenses , yes craw is one of the best on the game , but he doesnt win all those games with good play calling and executing good plays, he is just good at finding a cheddar cheese team and plays , styles, like texas backup qb option all day is str8 cheese, nano blitzs all day on defense , plus have seen him putin dbs at d-ends , cmon , he just finds flaws in the game and abuses them... it takes a vetran player like myself to know what hes prob 8 out of 10 games hes usin a stronger team than his opponnet because he plays with texas almost every game...people needs to understand it takes skill to beat A teams with B and C teams !!

  4. well he isnt the only one who uses texas. 1/10 of the people who play this game use them, but they arent all in the top 5

  5. B5up is ranked #2 and he uses texas! but hes also glitches out of games so he dont take all of his losses, craw is not glitcher and i never said he was .i just said hes a really cheesy player thats all...

  6. wow still hatin...

  7. Craw will play anyone huh? I've been matched up with him a few times and he's always backed out. In his defense, I went and checked his profile and all the times he didn't play me was right after he had just lost. He was probably lookng for an easy "W" after a loss. I do the same thing so I'm not hatin. but now that I hear how he plays I don't want to play him anyway. I beat B5 twice and it sounds like Craw runs a similar offense as him, which is st8 cheese, not cheating, but st8 cheese. That gay cheesy option attack with chiles at qb is a pain in the ass to stop. The only way I beat B5 (twice) was by better clock management and outscoring him. I'm just glad he wasn't able to glitch me like his boys chood and angrypelini do.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Mr. Craw just tell everyone to play 20 games of Madden against a legit opponent. Everyone nanos in Madden, if people think NCAA nanos are hard to get by in NCAA, they must be a scrub. I have been on Madden for a little while now, and I am almost to the top 100, but every game I get nanoed. When you look at NCAA and bitch about that it that is pathetic. People have to use any dirt you can find on a their opponent, to make an excuse. Im not going to lie this year I got up to about 300 in NCAA and quit and, went to Madden. NCAA was too cheap for me this year with all the aggressive crap, and run commit etc... But for many gamers that is extremely effective, and is enjoyable to them. That was not for me, but when NCAA comes out I will be back in the tops. But no matter what your opponent does, don't make exuses because you will get no respect. I always go by the motto of (Show it all on the field). It is pointless to talk trash and make stupid excuses. Let you game speak for itself. CrimsonYankee I played you about a month ago, and beat you son. The funny thing is that I just put the game in without playing for at least 3 months and beat you along with 3 other top 100 players. Pretty sad but I guess it shows the quality of some of the top 100 players.

    The Walk On xUA

  10. hey this is spurrier era , just want to let everyone know crimson yankee plays straight ball ,unlike craw he runs a real legit offense , thats consist of real throwing and catchin , and running , playcalling , and so forth, yes craw beat me with his cheese 16-10 oh well you win some and lose some, thats what people need to understand , and the reason craw wants to change the ranking sysytem is to help cheesers who only can win with top 5 teams every year, im #1 because i hardly have ever used a top 5 team, i usually always use B and C teams , like south carolina,thisistoyou greats thats use fla. tex,okla, usc, okla , ea sports is not gonna reward you a whole bunch for winning with all those power houses, in my opinion the best player could very well be ldeezy cutiger , he has played with clemson every game,which is a B team.

  11. oh yeah LSU is top 5 team i forgot to mention before.

  12. hey craw this is spurrier era , just want to tell ya im not hatin , thats just my opinion on your offensive gameplan, and want to apologize to you about talkin bad about this site, now that i have checked it out it is actually a really cool and jam up site. you was right about that.

  13. this is spurrier era and yes jmill is solid ,im 1-1 vs him and he beat craw last week 28-13 .

  14. madden isnt even close to ncaa , ncaa is a way better game than madden!

  15. im convinced none of you guys in the 100 know how the play the game without nano blizting or cheesing or glitching or sum weird bullshit on is a nano blitz really? show me footage of anygame where that happened and it worked every single time cmon son lets be real...instead of playing x's and o's you guys bullshit this game and it makes no where near fun to play at all...last year it was the reciever glitch this year its something different like really bout develop a strategy a real strategy and learn to play well with it you fuckin faggots!

  16. Craw I want my shot, Lets see how good the 360 top guy is vs PS3 top guy.

  17. craw isnt no top 360 guy because hes jus a gimick cheeser wr at qb= no real knowledge and skillz ,thats 10 yr old bs, lmao !!!

  18. He can do what ever i dont really care, anything can be stopped if your good.

  19. This is BYU4EVER, currently #5. I havent played craw yet, but my experience with all the other top 10 players is that they ALL play florida, texas, etc...

    I've gotten almost ALL of my wins with BYU, which is a damn hard thing to do, if you look at their roster, lack of speed, etc.

    I recently started experimenting playing with florida, texas, etc and DAMN, I went on a 25 game winning streak, and beat several lvl 20+ and some 30 and 40 players.

    My point is this. The only real way to see who is the best at this is to play very similar teams, so the talent is even, and then it's all about skill. I dont understand people who whine about different things like nano blitzes, etc. Since the is a GAME, and NOT REAL LIFE, it will never be a perfect game. You might as well deal with that, and learn how to best play within the confines of the game. If you do, you will succeed, even with out a top tier team. I've done it and so can you

  20. well said. thank you

  21. So, I'm just playing this guy, and in the third quarter I'm up like 34 to 17...then this douche bag starts going offsides (his ncaa 10 handle is GeT m0ss3d 0n)

    Anyway, this douche does it like 3 times, and then the game kicks him and asks me if I want to continue...

    I say yes, but after the game, I dont receive a win. How do we combat assholes like that who glitch quit thru offsides??

    Craw, just a suggestion, you should start a post about how to counter all the bullshit glitches that people do

  22. decline the penalties

  23. I'd like to invite people to come join a blog that I've launched using this platform.

    Talk about those who glitch/cheese, play straight up, and more. Talk about how to beat glitching, cheesing, and what works in this game!


    I'm tired of posting on this forum and would love to do one on my own. I will be available everyday to check on it and reply. You can post whatever you want.
