Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Run Game

Running the ball in this game can be frustrating, especially if you are playing someone good. Running the ball has more to do with numbers than anything else, the key is to outnumber or have equal blockers to defenders. If you are trying to block 8 defenders in the box with your 5 linemen, TE, and FB (7 guys), you are outnumbered and chances are you are only going to gain 1 or 2 yards if that. If your opponent wants to stack the box and outnumber you, there are a few different ways to counter this. First off, run the option. On normal run plays, the QB is worthless after he hands the ball off, you are essentially wasting a blocker. The option gives you another blocker to even the numbers up. Second, motion a receiver to the side you want to run, if your opponent is in zone coverage no one will follow the WR across the field, now you have the number advantage to the run side. I like to motion a WR to the run side and run the option, this can lead to some huge plays. Third, throw the ball and run play action, use the pass to open up the run. If 8 defenders are in the box, chances are your opponent is running cover 1 or cover 3, take advantage of this by throwing the ball down the field. Posts work great against cover 3, and look to hit your RB in man. Run play action and normal drop back passes, if you hit some long throws and keep moving the chains your opponent should back off and use 6 or 7 defenders in the box as opposed to 8. When you run the ball in this game, make sure you are hitting the hole, trying to cut back can get you in trouble. Don't just sprint right when you get the ball, take your time and let your OL open up the holes.

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