Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Welcome to MR CRAW 12's NCAA 10 Round Table

Hey what up everybody, MR CRAW 12 here, thanks for visiting the Round Table NCAA blog. I am currently ranked 8th in NCAA 10, and 1st all time on the XBOX Live Leaderboards. I created this blog so people can interact and share their knowledge about the game with the rest of the NCAA Football community. I will be posting various topics for discussion and I encourage people to ask any questions and respond to each other. I want to know what you know and I want you to know what I know.


  1. Glad to see someone legit finally started a blog, thanks for the advise brotha

  2. whats the best offense to run against zone defenses?

  3. Craw. My name is MoeJoe10. I have played you twice in my career, and i have won once and lost once. both very good games. i'm just wondering if we could get a game in saturday cuz i think i will have my way with you hahah. avg opp lvl 28 record of 44-5 i just dont have the time to play alot. but when i play it is nothing but the best. i've beaten 6 of the top 10

  4. This is MoeJoe10 lets play
