Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pump fake glitch

WTF? It is so easy to do and i have stopped playing because of it. any tips on how to stop it?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ncaa Thoughts

What do you guys think about the game? What is good/bad about the game in your opinion?

Ncaa 11 dislikes

I hate how when I am crushing someone in the 1st quarter, they pull the plug and i don't get the win, I should be 20-0 right now. This makes me have to chew the clock in the 1st half to prevent getting up big.
Playcalling screen is extremely hard to navigate, why did they change it?
Camera angles are still disorienting at times.

Ncaa 11 Offense

I run the ball a little more this year but I still rock the same basic offense. What has been working for you?

More haters

I am married and work 50+ hours a week, I also no longer live in South Dakota, I still enjoy playing Ncaa and am currently 13-0. Anyone who says I am bum hunting does not know what they are talking about. Look at my avg opponent over the last 3 years, at has always been a respectable number, not like Spurrier Era who plays LvL ones just to get wins.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Hey everybody, sorry i have not kept up with this blog, I just got done moving back to my hometown of Tucson Arizona with my wife Nychole and starting my new job. I get internet connected to my new apartment July 9th and will be back on online playing and writing on the blogs. This website is gonna get even bigger in a couple of weeks when NCAA 11 drops and everyone starts playing again. Can't wait for NCAA 11, I will be at Wal Mart at 11:59.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Haters Continued on My Offense

How is my offense "cheese"? I run every formation with different personnel, I don't run the same 2 plays over and over like several others.

Monday, May 17, 2010


First off, I have nothing to prove, I will play anyone, I don't hide from talent like spurrier era or other top players. Next, who cares if i use texas? I use a lot of teams, texas is my favorite. I use Colt all the time, he is my backup QB, if you are blitzing me or if I know I am passing I will put Colt in. I mainly use texas for their CB's and DE, not for Chiles. It's my team! I use who I want! You morons act like people don't match up w/ Texas, I consistantly play other good teams like FLA, USC, OKLA, OSU, how is this not fair?

These people who claim I "nano blitz" are a bunch of freakin' amateurs! This "nano blitz", like several other blitzes, requires that you keep in a TE or RB to block or to slide your line. People that suck think they can protect their QB with 5 guys, you need to scheme your offense around what the Defense is showing. I stole this blitz off someone and i KILLED HIM! There are at least 5 or 6 amazing "nano blitzes" in this game, all can be picked up when you are a smart coordinator. I will play anyone, anytime, and chances are I will beat you.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Points and ranking system

I agree that the ranking system is flawed, people like Spurrier Era just playing 2000 noobs to get to the top of the leader boards. Any ideas on how to change the system?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Videos Coming Soon

I just signed with to do some video work for them that will also stream on this blog. I plan to be the primary and best source of all things NCAA in the near future. I will take any ideas for videos and try to post them up here in the near future, they will also be shown on these 2 sites along with a new and not yet released sports channel.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

3 COMMENTS wants me to produce some videos for them, anyone familiar with this site?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spurrier Era, Get on my Level

I beat the alleged number 1 Spurrier Era last night for the second time. I shut his ass out 27-0. He was talking trash before the game, I gave him a good dose of ass whooping. I think it is stupid that someone can just play Level 1's and get to the top spot.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Strong Safeites should not be able to play DE

I notice a recent trend to put Safeties on the defensive line to provide more speed in the pass. This technique is actually quite effective. The problem is that in real life these 215 pound safeties would get owned in real life by the much bigger and stronger Offensive linemen. The offensive line needs to vertical pass set and engage the Safety, when contact occurs there needs to see a significant slow down and neutralization for the smaller defensive player.

Monday, February 8, 2010

How to Up Your Skill Level

A lot of people have been asking me how to get your skill level up. People think that your level goes up from getting picks, tugs, and sacks, but these "skill" points are for that stupid season showdown (read previous post about my thoughts on this). To get your skill level up you have to do one simple thing, play and win games. When you win, depending on who you play, and what teams were used, and where you play, depend on the amount of points you receive. For example if I am Florida playing Miami at home, and beat a crappy player like a level 2 or 3, I am not going to receive hardly any points that go towards increasing my skill level. If I am Miami and play away at Florida against a good level 20 player, I am going to receive a lot of skill points. Losing will screw over your quest for that high level. When you lose games it cancels out about 2, 3, or even 4 of your wins, for example, if you get 30 points for a win, you will get negative 90 points for a loss. To best get your skill level up play players similar to your level that you think you can beat, avoid playing really good players you will probably lose to (like me) and play people you think you can beat. To get extra points, try to always play away.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

More Questions

People have been asking questions on other posts which is fine as long as that question is related to the post. If you have a question unrelated to a post place it here. Also a lot of people ask me questions I have previously discussed, become a regular and read all the blogs!

Player Levels

Player levels are another relatively unknown aspect of the game that can have a significant impact on the game. Check your player levels pre snap to see what players are. Cold(blue), neutral(white), warm(orange), or on fire(flashing orange). To see levels hold in RT and press down on the right joystick. Using your levels is an art and a science. On offense players get hot from making big plays, scoring touchdowns, etc. Players get cold from throwing picks, fumbling, and from being on the wrong end of the hit stick. On defense players get hot for making big plays, like picks, sacks, fumbles, and big hits. It is rare for defenders to get cold, but it is possible. In order to use these levels to your advantage look to build up your players confidence early. For example when using QB's with less than great passing ability such as Pryor or Chiles, I will look to run the ball with them a lot at first, and just try to hit some easy passes to the TE or RB in the flats. Their levels will slowly build up and I always try to get that first tug with a running TD from your QB. This will almost always raise their level to warm or on fire. This strategy of building up your players works with any position. Look to control your DE at first and get him a sack or two, his level will build and later he will be warm with the CPU control. Perhaps just as important as QB levels is the level of the WR's. WR's that are warm or on fire will get open and make that game changing catch for you.

WR Blocking

If you are running the ball inside, motion one of your WR's inside the box to act as another lead blocker. If you can get this WR to block a D lineman or LB, you should get a soild run play. Make sure you are using a good, big, WR when you do this. Posey, Shipley, Nelson, whoever, look at strength, awareness, run blocking ability, and size. WR blocking is an important aspect of the game even when you do not motion him inside the box. If you are running a play to the outside like a sweep, stretch, or option, don't be afraid to swap your best blocking WR to the play side. On run plays WR's are like extra lineman, they can be the difference in making that big run.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ncaa is better than Madden

Over the break I was able to play some Madden, I got fairly good but I must say Madden is not as good as NCAA. Madden is really slow and it is very hard to play defense. NCAA has a better passing game and the playbooks are more versatile.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Offense vs Quaters Run Commit

If someone is pressing you with quarters and doing run commit, look to hit your guys on quick outs, quick outside slants, and corners routes. Every defender will take two steps towards the LOS at the snap, making these routes virtually impossible to cover.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Anyone know some peeps that play NCAA on PS3 that would like this blog? I would like to try and get some playstation people on here, tell them.

Things to Chage for NCAA 2011

Ok, now that is almost 2010, we can start talking about what EA needs to do to make a better video game for next year so my friends don't keep breaking their controllers out of anger. I just want to spit out a few things real quick and I will get into more detail later.

When you throw a pass near the sideline the WR will usually just catch the ball and his momentum will carry him out of bounds. They need to keep players in bounds and have them run up the sideline when they catch the ball.

Better, more realistic zone blitzes. The most common blitzes zone blitzes in real college football are very underrepresented. The game makers need to watch some real game tape to better create these blitzes and hire a former college quarterback like myself to get it right.

Ability to change linemen protections. How often does someone send the same blitz over and over and you cannot seem to pick it up, you try to slide your slide and use max protection but nothing works. The game makers need to add some cool offensive line features so you could have more protections instead of just normal and slide protection. They need to add some man protections, half man / half zone protections, and better slide protections. You should be able to choose your running back's blocking progression and be able to tell him to block a certain player.

Better directional passing, I am tired of overthrowing receivers that are wide open just because I directional pass. I want to sling the ball exactly where I want and not leave it up to just pressing one button to throw the ball.

Improve the intermediate and short passing game. Hitches, quick outs, and pivots are the staple to any real college offense, but they are underrepresented and do not work very well in this game because of the unrealistic route running, linebacker play, and ball placement.

Custom playbooks, how cool would this be?

D1AA schools in the game with full rosters and schedules. The top 20 something D1AA schools could compete with and beat most 1A teams, give them some respect!

That is just some things of the top of my head, what do you think?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Some more good defensive tips

I have really been experimenting with defense lately and I found a few good plays worth mentioning.

Nickel 1 5 5 in the multiple d playbook, run Cover 2 Sink and put your best DE at your backup ROLB. This defense works best when I use conservative loose zones, press the corners, and spy your MLB. Spread your backers out, and do not be afraid to drop your DT in pass coverage on passing situations. This defense works best against running QB's and really stops everything in the pass game besides some side pocket throws and short stuff. If you want to stop the run back up your corners and run commit middle.

Quarters 3 Man Contain, press your corners and run commit middle. Control the MLB or middle saftey and look to stop the run if it bounces outside. This stops every pass play except some quick and intermediate corner routes and quick flat routes. User control to take away the flats and your safeties will rally to make the tackle.

In the 4 3 playbook use the 4 3 Under defense and select the 3 cloud with the field corner playing the flats. This is a great defense against the run and play action passes. The backside flats are vulnerable so I will contain my weak side DT and control my weak DE to help the weak side pass threats.

All of these defenses I stole from other people online and figured out what exactly what they do by carefully examining their defense throughout the game. Read the other ones that I have posted on this site, and post some of your favorites.

I have a secret defense that I will not tell anyone, but for the right price I may share it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Catch Technique

Catch technique lets you play your corners press coverage 5 yards off the ball. Your corners will sit at 5 yards, wait for the receiver to come to them, then attempt to jam the receiver. This method is very effective against most routes, especially hooks and slants. To run this jam your corners and then flip the play, when the corners move back they are still programed to press the receivers. Run 2 man and run this for success.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mr Craw 12, Huge Influence on the Game

The more and more people I play, I have noticed that they are useing my strategies that I post on this blog. I am glad that I am able to help people out. People are running what I write because this stuff works, it's no joke. I especially notice more and more people using the quarters defense, some of my offensive schemes, defensive assist, and some of my special teams tips. Keep commenting on my blog and tell your friends, read my blog and you will become a better gamer.

Max Protection Against Blitz

If someone is blitzing your nuts off there are two things you can do. First, I like to get all 5 receivers out on quick routes hoping to hit them in the many holes created from the blitzing defenders. I can stop someone from blitzing by completing some short routes and then getting some huge run after catch yardage, but If you are not having luck with this strategy you need to go to max protection. I never really was a fan of this max protection until someone used it on me and was very successful. When I max protect I like to keep seven guys blocking and have three receivers out on routes. You can audible your players by hot routing them and then pressing R2/L2. When you max protect look to take shots down the field with deep corner routes, posts, post corners, and other deep crossing routes. One of my favorite max protection plays is WR Drag out of shotgun normal in the Floria Playbook. I keep my running back and tight end in to block and look to work the slot receiver on the post or the post corner by the far receiver, if neither of these routes open up, look to hit the other receiver on the shallow cross. Look for plays in your playbook you think will work well with max protection, remember you can always motion receivers across the formation to get another option on that side of the field. Against blitz happy opponents, if you can't get time and aren't having luck completing short passes, look to max protect and hit some big plays.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Use the Pump Fake

The pump fake can be a very effective weapon in the pass game. I particularly like it when my opponent is only sending 3 or 4 guys. Using the pump fake freezes safeties and allows you to throw deep routes over their heads. The pump fake works best against zone defenses/zone defenders. Do not be afraid to pump fake multiple times on a singe play.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Offensive Tips vs Quarters D

People keep asking me online what to run against my quarters defense. I laugh and tell them to go to my blog. The answer is you can't run anything on my defense cause I am just that good, just kidding, but seriously. If someone is running a lot of quarters on you, you first need to figure out if they are running man or zone, just like any other defense. You need to decide whether you will play into the quarters by going 4 or 5 wide or go 1 WR with 2 RB and 2 TE and try to pound it on the ground. If someone is playing quarters on my I like to do both of these strategies with some 3 WR sets thrown in as well. If teams are playing quarters man you have to look at for the mismatches just like any other man defense. Look to hit slants and other routes that force the defender to chase your WR. If the MLB is manned up on your back, look to throw swing passes and other stuff to him. I like to run shotgun spread (Florida Playbook) slants. The receivers are running slants, forcing the corners to run with them, this leaves the whole entire flats open for your back to do work on the MLB, there are several other plays similar to this that work just as well. I like teams with fast running backs (92 speed or higher) to catch the ball out of the back field. Another play that is money against quarters man is trips PA verticals (Florida Playbook). Put your fastest WR in the slot and look to hit him on the shoot route as I call it, if he is not open look to hit the back in the flats. As far as the run game goes against quarters man, I suggest the option. Against man defense who has the quarterback? No one, unless they spy of course. Even if they do spy (will be the MLB in quarters) the linemen should block the MLB, leaving big running lanes up the middle for your mobile QB to rack up some yards. I like to run speed option out of (Florida Playbook) Shotgun Ace, Normal, and Spread. Look to motion guys accross the field and run to where the motion man vacated, this creates space and gives you one less guy to block. If they are in zone the defender will not follow, look to run towards where you motioned, this lets you outnumber the defense to that side and gives you an extra blocker. Other runs work well, try going goal line and pounding up their ass. People do not really run too much zone out of quarters, really just 3 and 4. These coverages are very vunerable against the run. In cover 3 look to hit the space between the corners and safties, also look to work the gaps to the left or right of the MLB. Against cover 4 look to work the flats, and look to take it deep over the middle. Against most quarter defenses only 3 guys are rushing the QB, look to stay calm in the pocket and make the throw. The quarters defense is in my opinion the best in the game and is becomeing more and more popular thanks to this website. When going against it chances are you will not get too many big plays. Look for long sustaining drives with plays consistantly hitting for 4 or 5 yards.

Monday, August 31, 2009

What Do You Want To See On This Blog?

Anything you want that you don't see, any ideas about how to improve the Blog? Post a comment and tell me what you think.

Triple Option is Easy to Stop

A lot of people ask me how to stop the triple option. This triple option attack can be frustating at times but can easily be stopped with patience and good user play. Run normal dime to keep speed on the field. Man works well, but I particularly like the play "double x". Show blitz and pinch your line by pressing L1 then down. You want to pinch your line like this to prevent the FB dive and cutbacks by the Qb. Bring your deep safety down over the tackle on the wide side of the field. Click and control your safety who is doubling the WR, play the option and user cover with this man. Set your Gameplan for option defense to conservative so that your D concentrates on the pitch man (not the Qb), but it is a good idea to mix it up. Your D should handle the backs and you should concentrate on attacking the Qb's pitch arm to make the tackle. It is important to not get out flanked, read the pitch man at the start of the play and run as fast as you can playside to turn the play to the inside. If your opponenet gets some bigs gains don't be discouraged, all you need is a big stop on first and second down and they are screwed on 3rd and long. By itself the triple option offense can easily be stopped. You will find that people who are good with the triple option are not very good at passing, but this defense does do well against the pass.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

How to Look at any Playbook Quickly

People always ask me what playbook features what, they have no idea how easy it is to look at all 130 something playbooks. To find the right playbook for you, or to view other playbooks, go to the main NCAA menu. Go to My NCAA, go to User Preferences, and then go to Set Audibles. Here you have the ability to look through any playbook to see what it has to offer, not to mention you can set your audibles in any various playbook.

Use Formation Audibles

Formation audibles are another aspect of the game that not many people utilize. Formation audibles are good because it adds an additional four audibles to any formation. Look to use audibles to throw off your opponent. Keep your opponent on edge by checking to some quick pass, deep pass, play actions, or runs. When you keep your opponent guessing you have the advantage, these audibles help you be less predictable.

Quarters Defense Gameplan

I have to say that the quarters d is my base defense- a lot of people say it is cheese, but let the haters hate while I hold them to 13 points a game. Early in 2009, I used to run a base 4-3 defense and kept playing people who shut me down with the quarters. It allows the best athletes to be on the field for optimum defensive play. When running quarters, pinch your d line and hot route your ends to contain if they are not already. You will be surprised how well these ends play the pass and run with this contain technique. Show blitz on every quarters defense u run, this will usually get 8 or even 9 guys in the box depending on the offensive formation. Out of quarters I run man 3 deep, cov 3 and cov 4. I also like to run "double Z" and user blitz the safety that was originally doubling the Z. The key to the quarters defense is speed; it does not work well with any given team. Look for teams with tall and fast corners, make sure all four of your corners can play if you want to run a successful quarters defense. After corners, look for fast, hard hitting safeties, fast speed rushing ends, and an athletic MLB. Ohio State, Texas, USC, and FSU are good examples of teams with these specifications. This speed allows you to run more man and cover more ground in a shorter period of time. Speed kills in this game! When running man user a safety and try to take away crossing routes. When playing zone, I like to control a blitzer or a DE, if you get to the QB, you will force turnovers. As far as the Gameplan goes use aggressive for your dline, big hits, and pass defense. Mix up the aggressive and normal zone coverages based on down and distance. It is good to use aggressive zone coverage when you are blitzing and it is very good against the run.vvAvoid using aggressive strip ball, the face-masking is ridiculous. Use conservative option defense, make your opponent's QB keep the ball and hit stick the shit out of him; this will cause turnovers/injury. For more specifics on the quarters D, comment and I will get back to you.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Some Special Teams Tips

Special teams, often overlooked, is a huge part of any football game and will win or lose you a close game. Proper special teams play allows you to win the field position battle to set up your offense or defense for success.
When punting choose the max cover punt to get as many defenders running down field as possible. Be conservative when punting, the goal is to make your opponent call a fair catch. Put the punt arrow as vertical as possible to ensure a long hang time, do not move the punting arrow to the left of right. This long hang time will give your defenders enough time to make your opponent call for a fair catch. Sometimes your opponent will not call for the fair catch, hit stick the snot out of him and force the fumble.
Punt Return:
Put your fastest man at returner, preferably an offensive player or someone with good carry and break tackle ability. If your are on the right hash call return right, left hash return left. If you are not worrying about a fake take your nose tackle (should be a LB) and run him back near your return man. Keep in control of him and look to block the most dangerous threat to your returner.
Run middle return, look to kick the ball right down the center. Click off your kicker, and look to get down field. The goal on kickoff is to not get blocked while crossing the face of multiple blockers to confuse their assignments.
Kickoff Return:
Put your fastest men at returners. When the ball is kicked look to control the return man that is not catching the kickoff. Take this man and run him at a 65 degree angle towards the near sideline. When the kick is caught look to run up the near sideline and look for an open seam.
Field Goal:
If your kicker is halfway decent you should be able to make a 60+ yard field goal. To ensure the maximum distance on the kick, angle the kicking arrow as low as possible. I like to "aim small miss small" on field goals. Do not just look to get the ball between the uprights, aim the kick in the very center of the uprights so if you miss by a little you still will make the kick.
Field Goal Block:
Never run field goal block, I have played 1300 games of NCAA and I have never blocked a field goal. There are ways to glitch and block the field goal, but even then it is just not worth it. People run fakes way too often to call the field goal block. Get in the habit of calling a base, preferably zone defense to ensure the proper defense of a fake.
Onside Kicks:
Place the cursor in the middle of the upper left hand quarter of the football. Release your kick at about 66 to 75 percent on the power gauge. Your kick, done properly should go directly towards the the TE on the front row of the return team. 95% of the time the ball will knock right off his hands and then it is free game.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Boosters: Problem and Disgrace

A booster is someone who cheats the system to make their record much better than it really should be. These cheaters "boost" their record by playing the same player or themselves on a different Xbox over and over again. It is common for a booster to have played the same person 50 to 150+ times. Boosters will get one account at a solid level, say level 15. Then they will go on with a different account and play their level 15 account 100 times in a very short time span to boost their record. To play this many games in such a short period of time, they will have the level 15 account pick a scrub team like UCLA, and then they will pick a team like Florida. The level 15 UCLA quits after the first possession and the rest of the game is super simulated, this process is repeated over and over. Go on to EA Sports World to see that boosting has become a huge problem across the NCAA 10 community. EA Sports and Xbox Live need to take significant action to put an end to this boosting bullcrap by banning these disgraceful cheaters who have nothing else better to do than to cheat their way on top of the leaderboard. How much of a loser are you to waste your time just to be on some leaderboard? There are only 3 legit players in the top 10 who have not significantly boosted their record, Mickeljon, OG Ivory Mike, and Mr Craw 12. Other top 10 players like UseemeHIhaters, Blue Devil, and ComartieJR21 all have significantly boosted their record. I have been in a party with ComartieJr21, he openly admits to boosting and when I asked if he wanted to play, he denied me like a scared little coward. You are not good! You are a cheater!

Use Defensive Assist

Defensive assist is a new feature in 2010 and can be very effective when used in the right time and place. To use on defense, hold in A at anytime and the CPU will take over your user controlled defender. The new camera angles and presentation in 2010 can make user defense difficult at times. Due to the camera angle, it can be very hard to make the user tackle when you are chasing a scrambling QB near the sideline. Stop getting juked by scrambling QB's and let the CPU make the play, use defensive assist! Defensive assist can also be used in other situations. When blitzing off the edge, as you get close to the QB hold in A and let the CPU make the sack. The CPU can cut faster than a user controlled player and does a better job of getting through linemen in really tight spaces. Try using this feature in certain pass break up situations as well as other tackling situations. Use this feature whenever you get disoriented by the camera or get off track for any reason. Whenever you need to make the sure tackle or pass breakup, use defensive assist.

How to Execute the Gator Heavy

Many top players use the Florida playbook, a very good passing and option playbook, although it lacks the power run game of other playbooks. If you want execute a power run game with the Florida Playbook you will need to get good with the Gator Heavy formation. Gator Heavy is a unique formation featuring your running quarterback and a potential 9 blockers in the box. When used properly this formation can offer a lot of success on the ground and in the air. Use Chew Clock with the Gator Heavy, it will anger your opponent and make him more likely to run commit. When your opponent run commits he is guessing, when he guesses wrong, it will lead to some big plays for you. Run these 6 plays with the Gator Heavy to confuse your opponent. Run them not necessarily in this order, although running them in this order will lead to even more frustration and guessing for your opponent.
1. WR Jet Option
2. QB Power Fk Jet
3. PA Jet Sweep
4. QB Blast
5. PA TE Cross
6. Z Streak

Ask Me A Question!

Post any question about the game ex. "What is a good offense against the zone blitz?" Fell free to help answer questions as well. Scroll down to read more questions and answers.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Run Game

Running the ball in this game can be frustrating, especially if you are playing someone good. Running the ball has more to do with numbers than anything else, the key is to outnumber or have equal blockers to defenders. If you are trying to block 8 defenders in the box with your 5 linemen, TE, and FB (7 guys), you are outnumbered and chances are you are only going to gain 1 or 2 yards if that. If your opponent wants to stack the box and outnumber you, there are a few different ways to counter this. First off, run the option. On normal run plays, the QB is worthless after he hands the ball off, you are essentially wasting a blocker. The option gives you another blocker to even the numbers up. Second, motion a receiver to the side you want to run, if your opponent is in zone coverage no one will follow the WR across the field, now you have the number advantage to the run side. I like to motion a WR to the run side and run the option, this can lead to some huge plays. Third, throw the ball and run play action, use the pass to open up the run. If 8 defenders are in the box, chances are your opponent is running cover 1 or cover 3, take advantage of this by throwing the ball down the field. Posts work great against cover 3, and look to hit your RB in man. Run play action and normal drop back passes, if you hit some long throws and keep moving the chains your opponent should back off and use 6 or 7 defenders in the box as opposed to 8. When you run the ball in this game, make sure you are hitting the hole, trying to cut back can get you in trouble. Don't just sprint right when you get the ball, take your time and let your OL open up the holes.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Your gameplan

What works for you on offense or defense?

Monday, August 3, 2009

Pass Defense with Man Coverage

If you want to be great at defense in 2010, you need to have a plan of attack to counter any offense you might face. You need to find the defenses that work best against whatever your opponent is running. I like to switch up man and zone defenses to keep my opponent guessing, but for this post I will just talk about some basic man coverage strategy. When I run a man defense I make sure to not have any mismatches like a WR on one of my backers, this is how big plays happen leading to the breakdown of your defense. Man is all about the match-ups, your LB's or even safeties cannot cover in man as well as corners, look at your player attributes for speed and man coverage ability. Wait to see the personnel of the offense, if they are coming out in a 4 WR set, put 4 corners on the field, make sure your corners are good and fast (90 speed is as low as I go). So your opponent has 4 WR's on the field and you have 4 corners on the field in man coverage, now what? I like to do a couple different things depending on down and distance. I will user a safety or backer and take away first receiver I feel that is going to come open from the defender. When your defender has recovered and the receiver is no longer a threat, take away the next open route you see. I will also control a defender and try to get after the QB via user blitz. When user blitzing, I like to speed rush around the outside of the tackle and force the opponent's QB up in pocket. If I do not get the sack myself, I usually force the QB into getting sacked by another defender. Even if you do not sack the QB, you opponent is still weary of your presence and will worry on not getting sacked instead of focusing downfield at his receivers. If you want to play man effectively, make sure to choose teams that have good overall defensive speed, especially in the corner and safety position. Take away open routes or get to the quarterback with your user controlled player, this should lead to a consistent, bend but don't break pass defense.

Looking For The Rosters?

If you want to get good rosters go to EA locker and download them from user name Lanteri87.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Season Showdown

Just joined up for season showdown and have played a few online games with it on. After I watched the tutorial and whatever it looked pretty cool, but I must say that this is some really stupid, poorly programmed dog crap for a few reasons. The point system seems to cater to the less talented player, I had like a 60 yard TD run with Pryor and got zero skill points, while my opponent racks up 10 sportsmanship points every time he punts, unbelievable. So i am up on this dude 31-0 late in the third quarter and I have chew clock on, I throw a pass for a first down and get negative 50 sportsmanship points!!! WTF!!! I throw another pass for a first down, another negative 50 points, so lame. In another game as time expired in the forth quarter, I cranked it in for a tug on forth and long, I got hit with the, oh I'm sorry, negative 200 points. I guess I am a poor sport, whatever. I wonder what will happen when I take a pick back to the house when I am up by 30, is that gonna give me 200 negative sportsmanship points because i didn't take a knee? In conclusion, whenever I am up by 30 I will just take a QB kneel on first, second, and third down- I'll punt on forth down so I get my 10 sportsmanship points, so retarded. My boy Bill Belichick is not a big a fan, "What is the point of putting the offense on the field if they aren't going to score?"

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Some Basic Offensive Tips

Hello, Mr Craw here talking basic offensive strategy. NCAA 10, unlike other years, actually makes it somewhat difficult to score on a regular basis. If you want to move the ball and score consistently, you need to have a plan of attack by running different plays against various defenses. When you play online, watch your opponent's safeties, they will tell you what coverage they are in. I like to go to practice mode and watch how safeties roll into different coverages. Get good at recognizing coverage, if you aren't sure, send a guy in motion - if it is man the defender will follow him, watch the safeties to see 1 high or 2 high coverage. If your opponent is running a lot of man, you need to have some solid man beaters, get good at throwing slants and corner routes. Man is all about match ups, your RB is always a good option against the man because he is usually being covered by a slower, less athletic MLB; The same goes for receivers, put your good, fast WR's in the slot so they are running against safeties and backers rather than the starting corners. Work the sidelines and deep middle against cover two, attack the safeties with vertical routes and posts from your slot WRs. Against cover 3, attack the seams and try to throw in the windows between the LBs in the middle of the field. Running the ball against zone is usually better than running against man, especially if your opponent is NOT running aggressive zone coverage. It is also good to have some good plays against the blitz; I like to throwing the slant, seam, and quick flat route. If you know the blitz is coming it is a good idea to hot route your RB or TE to block, this allows you to sit in the pocket and complete the throw yards down the field. When you play online, don't just call random plays, see what your opponent is doing and run plays to attack the weak points of his defense. O yeah and maybe more importantly, don't be predictable! It is so easy to defend against people who run the same plays over and over. Make sure your pass game is balanced with your run game, i like call a pass and audible to a run if he is not stacking the box. Hit me up with a comment for specific plays to beat different defenses or let me know about some good offensive plays you run.

Hitler: Not a big fan of Jews, Poland, or NCAA 10


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ask Me A Question!

Post any question about the game ex. "What is a good defense to defend the 5 widereciever sets?" Fell free to help answer questions as well.

Played Me? Want to Play Me?

If you played me online let me know what you thought about the game. If you want to play me on XBOX Live let me know.

Some Thoughts About 2010 vs 2009

Yo, MR CRAW here discussing how NCAA 2010 is a defensive game and is very different than the more offensive based 2009 title. In 2009 it was all about the O, defence was far inferior to the offense; it was much easier to crank it in for 6 possession after possession. Wide receivers owned db's, and running backs like beanie wells or knowshawn were extremely difficult to defend. QB's could throw the ball 70 yards on a dime and were hardly ever phased by the pass rush. People would do onside kicks on me in the second quarter because they had no means to stopping my offence other than keeping it off the field. It seemed like people went for it every 4th down because they knew they'd probably get it, and even if they didn't, who cares because they know I am going to score anyways. Then you had the cheeser people who exploited glitches like the rocket catch, Qb walk, or the classic, "run out of bounds, run back in bounds and catch it over 5 helpless defenders."

In 2010 defense seems to be the name of the game. Your defense actually covers people and breaks up passes, your defenders gang tackle and bring the wood on the hit stick. The pass rush is legit and significantly effects the play of the Qb. Overall, the defenders seem much more aware of what is going on and if your not careful, you will turn the ball over very easily. The defensive aggressive/conservative gameplan is a great ally to keeping your opponent out of the endzone. The ability to change the depth of your zones is huge, you get user jump snap really easily, and the big hit perk is awesome. These features make moving the ball a frustrating task, especially if you are playing someone with exceptional defensive skill.

Let me know what you think about these '09 '10 differences, likes dislikes?

Welcome to MR CRAW 12's NCAA 10 Round Table

Hey what up everybody, MR CRAW 12 here, thanks for visiting the Round Table NCAA blog. I am currently ranked 8th in NCAA 10, and 1st all time on the XBOX Live Leaderboards. I created this blog so people can interact and share their knowledge about the game with the rest of the NCAA Football community. I will be posting various topics for discussion and I encourage people to ask any questions and respond to each other. I want to know what you know and I want you to know what I know.